Michelangelo Mammoliti and his brigade are waiting for you from March 1st.


The restaurant, designed by Valentina Dogliani and Michelangelo Mammoliti, is a system which goes beyond the environment of the kitchen it self andembraces the entire restaurant, including the rooms.

A design which is theem bodiment of the chef ‘s philosophy.  Underlying this is the desire to transform eating into a journey where everymoment, from the hors d’œuvre, the main dishes and right through to the patisserie, has the right emphasis, with settings which change each time, with the quality, service and technical provisions remaining constant..


As regards the general layout of the restaurant, this is divided into three distinct environments, which represent the different time frames over which the chef’s offering is developed.


A private room seating ten, in which chef Mammoliti prepares a free-form menu, developed specifically for that group of diners, in constant communication with sommelier Alessandro Tupputi who will have a selection of exclusive labels precisely in this space.


Ending the journey is a room dedicated to thes weeter side, where the pastry chefs can be watched as they prepare the desserts and patisserie.

This is a moment so important that we have dedicated a place not only in our narration, but aspecific physical space as well. Where everything seems to restart from the principle, starting with the planning and preparation. The perspective changes but not the substance.

